Course Description
There are nine modules in the course. Along with each module's description is a listing of the topics covered in that module.

1. The LOG IN module familiarizes users with procedures for system sign-on, issuing system commands from the shell, password management and displaying the system date and time.

- login, rlogin
- the SHELL, special characters, command format
- passwd, date, logout
- lab

2. The FILE SYSTEMS module describes the organization of directories and files in a file system. Users are shown how to access their files using absolute and relative pathnames. The rules governing file naming are set forth and operations on directories and files including copying, deleting, renaming and displaying are illustrated.

- theory, file types
- home directory, current directory, relative pathnames, full pathnames, . and .. notation, file/dir.
    names, lab
- file convention rules, wild card characters: ? , [ ] , * , lab
- pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, rmdir, lab
- find, cp, rm, mv, lab
- echo, cat, more, head, tail, wc, grep, sort, lab

3. The I/O REDIRECTION module defines the default standard input, standard output and standard error for shell commands. Additional syntax is presented which enables users to redirect command input from non-default input devices and to redirect command output to non-default output devices.

- standard input, standard output, standard error
- output redirection
- input redirection
- error redirection
- lab

4. The PIPING module instructs users how to connect commands together, whereby the output from one command becomes the input to another command.

- theory
- single pipe
- multiple pipe
- tee
- lab

5. The SECURITY module discusses the theory and practical application of granting and revoking user permissions to read, write and execute files.

- owner, group, and other user classes
- read, write and execute permissions, ls -l, lab
- symbolic and octal notation
- umask, chmod
- lab

6. The INTER-USER COMMUNICATION module provides users with the commands necessary for one-on-one and group communication.

- sending and receiving mail
- write, mesg
- wall
- who, who am i
- lab

7. The BACKUP & RESTORE module teaches users to archive and restore files with the tar command. The implications of using absolute and relative pathnames as arguments to tar are discussed.

- media types: 1/2" reel-to-reel, 1/4" tape, 3-1/2" cartridge
- tar: c, v, f and x options
- tar: absolute and relative pathnames
- lab

8. The VI EDITOR module teaches users to apply the basic functions of the editor to create and modify text files. VI Editor functions covered include opening a file, inputting text, searching for text, deletion of text, cursor manipulation and closing a file.

- vi command
- input and command modules
- input and append commands
- cursor movement and common edit commands: / , ? , yy , p , dd , o , and x
- save operations: w , wq , and q
- lab

9. The SHELL PROGRAMMING module liberates users by empowering them with the tools to program complicated tasks. This module provides a wide variety of programming constructs.

- command files
- variables
- run time parameters: theory, shift command, $
- quotes: single quotes, back quotes, backslash, double quotes
- constructs: for statement, cases statement, if-then statement
- user input: $<, read statement